Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cactus Rose 2011

I'll try to get out a race report soon but the bottom line: I finished another fun and brutal Cactus Rose 100! published a brief interview/recap here if you want to check that out for now. Dang rocks beat me up pretty good but it sure was fun. See you on trail!


  1. Steven,

    I am a local trail runner here in Austin and am a fan of your accomplishments and inspired by your racing. Fantastic run at CR! I was just curious what trails you run on that are most convenient for a Central Austinite? I run Greenbelt and River Place, but Im just looking for other places to train.

    Thanks and I wish you a good recovery!

    Trevor Woods

  2. Hey Trevor, Sorry for the delayed response! You may have noticed I don't blog very often...You might try the City Park (Emma Long) motorcycle trails for some nice rock ledges around a 10k loop. I usually do 3 of those fairly fast for a good workout. Also Walnut Creek Park on North Lamar. The trails there are easy but a great workout for running fast with lots of turns and small up/downs. See you out there! Good luck and thanks!
